The Seventh International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education (ICTIEE’ 2020) will CONNECT engineering educators from all over India with leaders from across the world as well as from industry. Participants will be able to SHARE best practices and thereby LEARN to TRANSFORM their own institutional efforts to prepare engineering graduates who can address global challenges as well as targeted initiatives of the Indian government. ICTIEE 2020 is being hosted at Anurag Group of Institutions, Hyderabad. We welcome you to join us on this mission.
Organizers and Collaborators
Indo Universal Collaboration for Engineering Education
Anurag Group of Institutions
International Federation of Engineering Education Societies
American Society for Engineering Education
Expected VIPs
Quality Partner
Platinum Sponsors
Gold Sponsor
Silver Sponsors
Institutional Sponsors
Call for Papers
Authors are requested to submit Full Papers through Conference Management Tool Kit (CMT) website, using the link
After the review, Acceptance/ Rejection will be intimated to the authors as follows:
- Accepted for Presentation at ICTIEE 2020 and Publication in Special ICTIEE 2020 Issue of JEET
- Accepted for Presentation at ICTIEE 2020 and Publication of Abstract in Souvenir of ICTIEE 2020
- Rejected
Deadline for Submission of Full Papers: September 22, 2019
Link for Format for Submission of Full Papers:
Link for Submission of Papers:
Notification of Acceptance: October 31, 2019
Deadline for Submission of Camera Ready Manuscripts for Publication in JEET: November 20, 2019
Manuscripts of Selected papers will be published in a Special Issue of JEET which is SCOPUS indexed.
First authors of Papers published in the Special Issue of JEET are required to subscribe to the online version of JEET for one year (Annual subscription is Rs. 800) as part of their Registration for ICTIEE 2020.
Those who have already submitted Abstracts, are requested to also submit full papers also for review.
ICTIEE 2020 Workshops
Parallel Academic Workshops
Sunday January 5 from 2 pm to 6 pm
Venue: same as ICTIEE 2020: Anurag Group of Institutions, Hyderabad
“Seminar on ABET Accreditation”: Dr. Michael Milligan, CEO, ABET
“Engineering Education Research”: Dr. Prathiba Nagabhushan, Australian Catholic University & Dr. Sohum Sohoni, Milwaukee School of Engineering
“Outcomes Based Education”: Dr. Umakant Kulkarni, SDM College of Engineering
“Building Teacher Excellence Corps”: Dr. Veena Kumar, University of Maryland Global Campus
“Mindcrafters Improving STEAM Education”: Mr. Aditya Bhatnagar, Mindcrafters and Mr. Dilip Chemburkar, General Electric (Retired)
“Developing Clean and Green Campuses”: Mr. Deepak Gadhia, Sunrise and Dr. Deepak Waikar, Singapore
“Project Based Learning”: Dr. John Tharakan, Howard University and Mr. Ravi Salagame, APTIV India
“Teaching Entrepreneurship for Sustainability”: Dr. Shalini Gopalakrishnan, Middlebury Institute for International Studies
“Strategies for Effective Assessment for Outcome Based Education”: Dr. S.D. Rajan, Arizona State University and Prof. Sanjeev Kavale, KLE Tech University
“A-Z for Research to Publication/PhD Thesis”: Prof. Gajanan Sabnis, Howard University, USA
The Early Bird and Regular Registration Fee are as follows.
Registration | Early Bird | Regular |
Author * | Rs. 4,800 .00 | Rs. 5,300.00 |
Author # | Rs. 4,000 .00 | Rs. 4,500.00 |
Foreign Author | US $ 150 | US $ 200 |
Co-author | Rs. 2000.00 | Rs. 2,500.00 |
Delegate (Not Author) | Rs. 3,000.00 | Rs. 3,500.00 |
Foreign Delegate (Not Author) | US $ 100 | US $ 150 |
Student for ICTIEE | Rs.2,000.00 | Rs. 2,500.00 |
Academic Workshop*** | Rs.1,000.00 | Rs.1,000.00 |
* Accepted for Presentation, Publication of Abstract in Souvenir and Publication in Special ICTIEE 2020 On-Line Issue of JEET, ( which is SCOPUS indexed
# Accepted for Presentation and Publication of Abstract in Souvenir
* Coauthor registration is permitted only after author registration
Special Discount applicable excluding JEET Online Subscription Fee
* 10% discount for Consortium Institutions **
* 10% discount for Group registrations (5 or more members) **
** Only through Account Transfer
- Author registration includes Conference Kit, Certificate, Lunch and Refreshments
- Co-Author/Delegate/Student Registration includes Certificate, Lunch and Refreshments
*** Workshops are FREE if registered for Conference, Rs. 1,000 if not registered for Conference
The authors are requested to make the registration of their accepted paper using the following steps and guidelines:
1) Online transfer of registration fee using SBI Collect option:
Step 1: Open the URL: to access the SBI Collect page, Agree & Proceed.
Step 2: Select- State of Corporate/Institution as “Telangana”, Select- Types of Corporate/ Institution as “Educational Institutions”, and then click “Go” button to proceed.
Step 3: Select- Educational Institutions Name as “Anurag Group of Institutions Event, and click submit button to proceed.
Step 4: Select Payment Category as “Registration Fee”, then Proceed and conference as “IUCEE-ICTIEE 2020” and then fill rest of the details & Submit.
Step 5: Take the print out of the SBI collect challan (after fee payment), sign it, write the Paper ID on it, and then scan it to have its soft copy, and proceed to Step 6.
Step6: Mail the scanned copy of the SBI Collect Challan (as mentioned in Step 5) to: While sending mail, mention in Subject field of mail “Fee payment and Paper ID………”
2) Registration Fee payment by Account Transfer:
Branch : Ghateskar
Account : 62030885098
IFSC Code: SBIN0020450
In this case please take the photo copy of Transaction/ Acknowledgement Slip, self-sign it and then mail its scanned copy to .While sending mail, mention in Subject field of mail “Fee payment and Paper ID….”
The accommodation for ICTIEE-2020 is on payable basis and OYO is our official Accommodation partner for this conference.
Mr. Tarun Wadhwani is the Accommodation Manager from OYO and he is the point of contact for the accommodation. However for further details you can also contact ICTIEE-2020 Accommodation chair Dr.V. Srinivasa Rao.
- Tarun Wadhwani (OYO Accommodation Manager ) – 7014372032, 9660619193
- V. Srinivasa Rao (ICTIEE-2020 Accommodation Manager) – 9440155894
The following are the Hotel tariffs in the vicinity of conference venue for your Reference.
Property | No. of Rooms | Rates | ||
Single Occupancy | Double Occupancy | Triple Occupancy | ||
OYO Flagship 16635 | 35 | 1200 | 1500 | 1700 |
OYO Townhouse 151 | 40 | 2000 | 2500 | 3000 |
OYO Townhouse 113 | 21 | 1700 | 2000 | 2300 |
OYO Flagship 39517 | 23 | 1300 | 1500 | 1800 |
ICTIEE 2020 team wishes you a very happy stay.